Chairperson’s Message
Triangle Uplift Foundation is committed to educating and motivating young people for future success, and we do that by promoting STEAM education, because we understand that Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Math develop skills important to our community and its future.
We only have to look at the response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. It takes inquiry, critical thinking and creativity to address crucial issues that confront our world. We are building leaders who will be prepared to tackle the concerns that have yet to come before us.
As we seek to realize our vision of empowering youth, families and communities through strong leadership and education, and by fostering wholeness, we are grateful to the many partners, sponsors and volunteers who continue to support and energize our signature program – Youth Innovation Summit. Since its beginning in 2018, this summit has served more than 500 students in grades six through 12 with programming that includes hands-on workshops and nationally known speakers. In addition, it has awarded $30,000 in scholarships to deserving students to help advance their educational pursuits.
We have much more to do, and we welcome the participation of those individuals, churches, organizations, businesses, and others with shared goals. It takes a village to triumph in such endeavors, and we are humbled to have the opportunity to open the door to access for the underrepresented and underserved students who will become future generations of leaders and mentors. Indeed, Education plus Motivation equal Success.
We appreciate your support.
Kenneth F. Douglas
Triangle Uplift Foundation Board Chair